5x8yvQuasar logic v15.
COPPER (Rally)
1. Waiting for distant instructions around the processor.
2. If the enemy is close to quasars, they attack them.
3. If there is little hp, they fly to the repair.
LEAD (cursor control)
1. Controlling quasars with the player's cursor.
2. If there is little hp, they fly to the repair.
GRAPHITE (auto attack)
1. They fly to the enemy core, if they shot a cannon along the way, then "sit down" and attack it while going towards the core.
2. If the enemy is close to quasars, they attack them. 3. If there is little hp, they fly to the repair.
METAGLASS (arc control)
1. Control of quasars using an arc.
2. If there is little hp, they fly to the repair.
TITANIUM (def mode)
1. Quasars fly around the player.
2. If the enemy is close to quasars, they attack them.
3. If there is little hp, they fly to the repair.
4. If it is close to the core and it does NOT have max HP, heal it.
5. If it is close to the turret and it does NOT have max HP, heal it.
6. Does not work if there are more than 2 gammas in the command, (the mode is intended for hex / ranked pvp.)
COAL (mining)
1. Quasars are digging copper, lead,and titanium
SAND (mining sand & coal)
1. Quasars are digging sand and coal (sit in arc for set coordinates of the sand)
SILICON (heal mode)
1. When they notice a broken block with a small amount of hp, they fly to it and heal it.
2. If the enemy is close to quasars, they attack them.
3. If there is little hp, they fly to the repair
IMPORTANT: Mining mode is divided into 2 parts copper, lead, titanium and coal, sand and fix some bugs
By TyT|xexebe & IceWave.
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