common.size 3x2uses units to deliver items to multiple overdrives.
capable of delivering to multiple buildings that uses @phase-fabric.
Processor configs:
- Configure each <overdrive.x>, <overdrive.y> to each overdrive's x, y.
- Orders are followed from top to bottom, ends if next <overdrive.x> is 'null'.
- select the delivery unit.
- <units>: how many units should be used to deliver items. (8 maximum)
- <keep_units> loops through all units for previously flagged unit.
- <item_cap>: skip if item is more than certain percentage.
- <need_silicon> whether units should deliver @silicon to overdrive.
- units spreads out initially instead of all going to the same building.
- added <need_silicon>
- shortened unit status display in <message1> to hopefully not hit the character limit.
code's by Angels
thanks to Koalabog for @counter unit array code
discord's Angels#7086 320 10 80 70 50 星球(赛普罗)版本(v7)类型(逻辑)类型(支援)坐标(任意)