common.size 1500x1500A large, open, resource rich 1500 x 1500 map.
Breifing: Our transport convoy have been pinned down inside a large valley. intellegence suggests that an enemy base is located nearby. unfortunately, the enemy are strong, and are many in number.
We are unable to send backup,, but the surge you were shipping, alongside the rich amount of local resources should keep you alive for a while. Unfortunately, you will only be delaying the inevitable, but your sacrifice, keeping the enemies distracted, will not be forgotten.
Overall: Insane
1 to 59 = Easyish
60 to 99 = Hard
100 to 149 = Extremely Hard
150+ = Insane游戏模式(生存)星球(赛普罗)版本(v7)tags.threat(高)tags.threat()