common.size 600x300Version 2: its bigger and better! v2.1 changes: -Increased unit cap -Unbanned high tier mechs -Increased Starting Resources v2.2 changes: -increased starting resources again -blocked eludes from cheesing antirush -added extra starting defence
Both sides begin in a large crevice surrounded by easily defendable walls, with plenty of resources. There are five islands outside of this crevice, each with plenty of additional resources that can turn the tide of the game. These areas are high-risk high-reward, as they are vulnerable to attack. Building hp and speed is increased to make up for the minimal antirush, and makes rushing more risky. This is made up for by the plentiful resources on the islands which will largely mitigate the increased costs.
Overall this map is intended to reward both aggressive play and greed as both will lead a significant advantage. Micromanaging Units and turrets is key for thriving on this map.Game mode(PvP)Version(v7)Planet(Erekir)tags.threat(High)tags.threat(Extreme)