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Giant, 16+6-Core attack-map
- Serpulo-Tech + Some derelict Erekir things that you can claim (Can't build Erekir tech on your own)
- Hella fucking difficult (requires lots of forward-thinking, but not too much grinding)
- Enemies gain Overdrive, once their beacon activates.
- A cute companion
- Threat system, that increases on destroying enemy cores.
- More evil enemy AI (on destructible Logic Processors)
- Lots of secrets and sidequests with powerful rewards
- exploding vaults
- No source-blocks and enemy-cheating.
- Does not respect your time, needs multiple sittings to beat.
- Entry-level logic skills (such as setting unloader config, unit mining, pyratite-bombing) are very helpful.
- Alchemy
- Only 2 waves, that spawn Crawlers. Fuck crawlers.
- Plenty of replayability with different routes and strats.()()()()