6x5core to t5 but not attached to core!
- is not attem logic, only binds 1 unit, every @micro-processor serves a use.
uses the power of logic to control 1 unit to unload items from core, works best <= 8 blocks away from the core.
- <message1> is used to display useful infomations.
- <sorter1> sets the desired unit, more information in <message1>.
- selecting nothing in <sorter1> disables the processors.
processor configs:
- Important: link the @logic-processor to the desired storage building. alternatively, change <drop-x> <drop-y> in the processor to @x, @y of the destinated containter/vault.
- change <use_coal> to 0 if not constructing crawlers.
- change <min_items> to configure the minimum item limit that should be unloaded from core.
- <item_cap> is the percentage that the unit should fill the container to.
- <max_bind_distance> determines the max distance a unit should be from <drop_x> <drop_y> to be used.
- <take_x> <take_y> specifies the building the unit should be taking items from. defaults to the nearest core if left null.
v0.5 changelog:
+ allows specifying the building that items should be taken from with <take_x>, <take_y>
by Angels
Discord's Angels#7086 95 1472 2107 1260 50 ()()()()()