4x2This logic will create a team consist of Captain Poly and its defense army. Captain Poly will find every damaged blocks in the map and if found enemies near, Captain Poly will announce the entire army to eliminate the threat, Captain Poly can also detect Enemy Turrets and send alarm too, so that this logic is not useless in Attack/Pvp maps.
If u want to change Captain's Unit Type, change the unit bind in Small Processor. If u want to make army's unit type more diverse under 1 captain, copy the logic from the processor to a new one, then link the memory cell + switch and change unit type inside by unitbind
Small Processor control Captain Unit, Preferable Poly/Mega for speed and heal, ground support coming soon.
Processor control any units, preferable T2+ Crawler tree
Button control the Processor
Arc control = Manual Control Poly 420 175 160 95 50 ()()()()()